Tournament Registration

Sicario Logo
What event are you signing up for?
Do you have a Contestants page?
Do Player 1 has a Contestants page?
Do Player 2 has a Contestants page?
Do Player 3 has a Contestants page?
Do Player 4 has a Contestants page?
Do Player 5 has a Contestants page?
Solo / Duo:
Discord name:
Duo Discord name:
Player 1 Discord Name
Player 2 Discord Name
Player 3 Discord Name
Player 4 Discord Name
Player 5 Discord Name
In-game name:
Player 1 In-game name:
Player 2 In-game name:
Player 3 In-game name:
Player 4 In-game name:
Player 5 In-game name:
Country of residence:
What map do you main?
Stats screenshot:
Stream URL:
Player 1 Stream URL:
Player 2 Stream URL:
Player 3 Stream URL:
Player 4 Stream URL:
Player 5 Stream URL:
Twitter name:
Player 1 Twitter name:
Player 2 Twitter name:
Player 3 Twitter name:
Player 4 Twitter name:
Player 5 Twitter name:
One or more errors occured

Successfully registered!
Your registration for the tournament has been successfully received. We will review your submission, and if accepted, we will get back to you with further details.
Stay tuned for more information, and good luck!